When you have been charged with a DWI, it is critical you contact a Houston DWI attorney as soon as possible. You only have 15 days to file for a hearing to prevent the automatic suspension of your driver’s license over the next 90 days. If you have refused to submit to the breathalyzer, this period will extend for a period of 180 days. If you have any prior DWIs on your record, the suspension could last anywhere for a year to two years.
It is critical that you fight these automatic license suspensions in order to maintain your driving privileges. Even if you win your DWI trial, you could still be subject to these suspension times unless you file for a hearing and prove your innocence with the help of a Houston DWI lawyer.
These hearings serve a double purpose, as they not only allow you to keep your driving privileges, but they also let your Houston DWI attorney review the evidence against you and interview the officer who arrested you. In a way, the hearing allows you to have a practice trial which will improve your chances of success in your actual courtroom trial.
If you were arrested for a DWI, it is crucial you act immediately in order to preserve your rights and fight this license suspension. Remember, you only have 15 days to file for the administrative license review hearing or you waive your rights to object to the suspension. Call Houston DWI lawyer today and schedule your free initial consultation as soon as possible.