In Texas, traffic crimes can be somewhat legally minor, or they can mean multiple court dates and potential imprisonment. Fortunately, no matter how seemingly minor your traffic crime case may be, you can consult with a Houston traffic crime lawyer to see what can be done about your case. If you have been accused of any type of traffic crime, it is critical you work with a top Houston traffic crime lawyer to not only handle your criminal case, but also any potential case with the DMV.
The Law Offices of Houston DWI Attorney understands the ins and outs of traffic laws, and how violations of those laws can be used to take away your driving privileges and put you behind bars. If your rights were violated in any manner during the arrest or investigation process, we will ensure that any evidence directly related to the rights violation will not stand in the court. If your Houston criminal attorney is able to have enough evidence suppressed due to rights violations, the case against you may be dropped all together.
Traffic crimes can carry an array of sentencing options, from mandatory education sessions to probation to lengthy prison terms. Because the cases themselves vary so drastically in scope, it is impossible for a Houston traffic crime lawyer to discuss specific penalties without knowing the individual details of your charges. No matter how minor the charge though, one thing you can expect is the possibility of a temporary loss of your driver’s license. This is especially true for DWI offenders.
Contact Our Criminal Lawyer To Begin Your Defense
Our offices have experience defending all types of traffic crimes and we can help you fight any charges you have been accused of. Call our offices today to see how a Houston criminal attorney from our firm can help you beat charges of:
• Reckless Driving
• Abandoned or Towed Vehicles
• Speeding Tickets
• Parking Tickets
• Car Accidents
• And more…